Microsoft Communications Server "14" Call Attendant

The automisation of industries is certainly a problem as far as job creation is concerned. With Microsoft Communications Server "14" Call Attendant, receptionists could become a thing of the past.

This product combines the best aspects of Microsoft Communications Server "14", such as finding the right contact skill-set within a company and routing calls to them.

Furthermore it:

Can prioritize calls for you by working out which have been waiting the longest and also flagging up repeat callers so they can get urgent attention. Call-routing is done with presence technology on Microsoft Communications Server "14".

As well as conversation queues, directory search and contact lists all come up on a full screen unified interface. Meanwhile all your contact history is kept in organised folders.

Everything is on one-click for ease-of-use and you can communicate without having to copy or paste addresses and Instant Messaging details.

Conference calls could not be simpler with the ability to save multiple contacts into a conference template and drag-and-drop conference setup.

All these features may spell the end of receptionists as we know them, though arguably people will always prefer a human touch/voice.
Besides someone is needed to make sure that the Microsoft Communications Server "14" Call Attendant runs smoothly!

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